This is an organization that puts people of color, disability, size, education, locational and financial oppression first.

Our mission is to provide a platform that consolidates resources and information for people outside of the Big 5 social media platforms, where it gets buried in posts, behind locked accounts and manipulative algorithms. We embrace the transparency of shared community advice and information.

Our Mission

We support and prioritize the people who are least represented in and outside of the rainbow umbrella. This is an organization that puts people of color, disability, size, education, locational and financial oppression first. To put it plainly, we are tired of people who look like Ellen and Anderson Cooper representing our community, and getting first access to resources, when it is so incredibly diverse and disenfranchised. We are exhausted with social media platforms and corporations that take our money but do not give back and when they do they only think of the people already mentioned.
Meet Our Family
Queer Global is run by a Black trans/pan/poly/not-so-able-bodied man and a multi-racial pan/poly musician, business owner, stylist and vintage clothing expert.

Deacon O’Connor

D’arcy Holmberg